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>> "FLIP FLOPS" | MAY 2006

>> picture taken on: sometime in 2004
>> photographer: sLesTa
>> event: picture hunting
>> place: pasar mayestik

this may be a simple picture, but there could be many explanations just to describe them.

if you are an indonesian who lives in indonesia for your entire life, you'll know that this is merely just a flip flop, or as we usually call it "sendal jepit". for you there's no extraordinary thing about these sandals. it's just cheap sandals that you would buy from the market or street vendors (warung) to support your feet. the price is very very cheap yet sometimes you'll wear it everywhere until it's all broken before you get a new one. for you, it's common to see it around and just a pair of sandal.

if you are an indonesian who've been or is currently living abroad, you'll miss this thing, especially during summer. on my 10 years abroad, i always bring them so i can wear them at home, or to walk around on a summer afternoon. they're comfortable, cute, yet quite stylish since they're available in variety of colors to support your outfit. heheh...

if you are a non-indonesian, well, you'll know them as flip flops. unlike the regular flip flops you'll see in the market near you, this is very rubbery and yet quite comfortable. recent trends show more people are wearing them and more stores sell them in variety of colors, yet in better package resulting a higher value. well, despite all that, it's still cheap, but the original one above is wayyyy cheaper than that..


>> posted by sLesTa | [


>> picture taken on: sometime in 2004
>> photographer: sLesTa
>> event: picture hunting
>> place: hotel indonesia roundabout

if you tune in to your (indonesian) tv lately, we've been seeing a lot of demonstrations held in the so-called "bundaran HI" or the hotel indonesia roundabout. it is located in the middle of busy business district, connecting two major streets, sudirman & thamrin. so you can imagine how bad the traffic it would create everytime a demonstration is being held in the area. it sure is effecting the rest of the major roads and hell of a mess situation for commuters.

as for the picture above... well, nothing extraordinary, i must say. but if you live in jakarta, you'd know that the roundabout is pretty busy everyday. so how can i take the picture of an empty roundabout? well, that's a photographer's secret. :P


>> posted by sLesTa | [

>> "MOUSE OR MOUSSE?" | MAY 2006

>> picture taken on: march 4, 2006
>> photographer: sLesTa
>> event: java jazz festival 2006
>> place: jhcc jakarta

taken using my handphone camera (hence, it's kinda blurry!), i just can't help to take this picture when i was on line to pick up my food during the recent java jazz festival 2006. a close friend of mine told me that i should not be so anal about mis-spelling everytime i see one. it's sooo common to see them in jakarta, i should just let it go. and yes, i sometimes do let it go. but yes, i'm too anal when it comes to spelling, though i'm not perfect either. lotsa times i do mispell my words, forgive me.

but when i see that an international event like this one to have a mis-spelling in its food presentation, i had to yap about it. and took the picture just to prove that it was indeed an incorrect spelling.. (ya kali aja gue salah liat!).


>> posted by sLesTa | [

>> "INDIAN LADY" | MAY 2006

>> picture taken on: april 15, 2006
>> photographer: sLesTa
>> event: singapore trip
>> place: little india, singapore

another series of my recent trip to singapore. though i only carried a pocket camera, i did indeed take many interesting pictures. this one was taken in front of one of the biggest temple in little india. at first, i didn't expect anything from my visit to this country, especially when i stepped foot in little india area. i don't really remember what this place has to offer, since the last time i came for a visit was over 10 years ago. i thought it was just gonna be a bunch of indian hawkers, restaurants and stuff. but apparently the area offers a little more than that. with a brochure in my hand, i chose which places i would want to go for a longer visit. but i was already amazed by the colorful area, with the markers that spread across with the most colorful and vibrant ethnic zone.

colorful temples co-exist side by side with churches and mosques. if my previous picture snapped the beautiful architectured mosque, i then visited one of the most colorful temple i've seen in the area. too bad i don't remember the name of the temple. but all i know the temple is quite big with the gods & goddesses carved in beautiful details and colors. while i was there taking pictures, apparently they were celebrating a festival as i was watching many indians wearing their best traditional clothes and chatting away with friends. this lady was sitting in front of the temple with 2 other friends and chatting away. i just can't help not to take their pictures. the vibrant color of their clothes against the color of the temple was just a good combination for a good shot.


>> posted by sLesTa | [

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