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:: Saturday, February 13 ::


exactly two weeks ago, i finally admitted naia to daycare. after a second survey, we finally decided that we'd take naia to cherie hearts at bedok reservoir center. the reason why we chose it because during the survey, we find that they are very friendly and informative. the location is right near the reservoir so kids would have outdoor activity in the park or the reservoir, near our apartment and the daycare center seems very nice, clean with friendly staffs.

so at 22 months exactly, on 1st of feb, naia started school. the first 3 days i was allowed to company her. first day, i took half day off in the morning to take her to school. my parents who were in town at the time, came with us. since naia doesn't warm up to strangers instantly, she was holding my hands the whole time. she saw the kids in the class but she insists to sit next to me. after the class went for an outdoor activity to the playground and walk in the reservoir, i decided to stay outside of the classrom and let my mom inside with naia. it seems that when i'm around, naia just wanted to be near me. so as figured, naia was a bit better and can play with others when my mom was inside.

the second day, i didn't go in with naia, but mom did. she was still afraid, but at least she was willing to detach herself from her grandma. according to the teacher, it is common for a kid her age playing by herself instead of with others. they also don't have the concept of sharing.

third day, i told my mom to go outside the room. naia needs to start bonding with her teacher so she can form that trust and attachment with her. she's still afraid, though she starts getting familiar with her teacher. this day, she cried when saw me and grandma left the room, kept saying "takuuuttt... " when we stepped in front of the school door. she cried and stopped, cried and stopped the whole time. when she saw the sight of my mom or myself, she cried. but at the end of it, she was fine. it also affects how she behave at home. she clinged to me like there's no tomorrow and all she wanted was to be breastfed, eventhough she was already full with food or milk. again, it's normal for her, the teacher said. because she's afraid of the change. in her mind, when i left her at school, i won't be coming back. so the only way for her to ensure that i won't leave her is by doing the only thing that bonds her with me, through breastfeeding!

fourth day, i dropped her at school, gave her to her teacher and she just cried and refused to let me go. she screamed as i left, really broke my heart. but i know it's the best thing for her, so i have to do it. she was picked up by my parents after school and she seemed to settle down a bit.

by the second week, my parents went back to jakarta already, so i had to ensure naia settled in. i was surprised that even though she cried or made a sad face, she already familiarize herself with the teacher. she leaned toward her as we came in and waved bye bye to me as i left to work. she still made sad face and said "takuuutt.. " as we stepped in, but she didn't scream and cry no more.

i'm so proud of her. she managed to understand the concept that she's going to school to play and she'll see mommy when the session ends.

many asks why i put her to school already at such a young age. i figured, i need her to start socializing and not only playing at home with my maid or kids at the playground. at least she should start learning through fun activities. since i'm not a stay-at-home-mom, i need her to be in a place where i can trust and i can feel at peace leaving her there. she also started to pick up singing and dancing at home, so it's only good that she learns that with other kids too.

another reason is that my maid will not be with us forever, so naia needs to settle in at a daycare so when a new maid comes, i don't have to worry that she will spend a whole day with new 'stranger' (god knows what they would do, only the two of them at home, no guardian).

and as for the school.. i couldn't be happier! the teachers are very supportive and they know i need to juggle between work and taking care of naia. i made sure that i drop her off every morning before i get to work. and if i need to be at work early, i made sure i pick her up from school. and the school was soo informative to send me updates almost on daily basis. i would get a picture of naia doing activity in the classroom via mms. it's soo cool! and so far i can see that naia started to learn new things.. singing, dancing, feed and cleaned herself and even picked up some new words. things that she has learned at home before, but she gets to see more of it now, on daily basis as her routine. soon, she'll be speaking english and maybe mandarin too... :) on the last day of her second week of school, the daycare was having a chinese new year celebration, and naia was excited to be in school in her traditional chinese outfit. it was so cute!

i'm glad she's happy and settled in. and we're both proud too! my baby girl is getting bigger (oh no!).

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>> posted on 2/13/2010 08:18:00 PM | [ 2 bites in my cookie ]

:: Friday, November 20 ::


at 19 months old, my lil' girl has learned to do her business in the toilet and not in her diaper.

during our recent trip back from jakarta, she refused to sleep eventhough i've breastfed her (which she usually falls asleep during every session). as soon as we walked inside the apartment, she took my hand and dragged me to the bathroom while saying.. "poop.. poop.. mama". i asked her if she wanted me to sit her on the toilet and she nodded.

after i took off her pants, diapers, socks & shoes (yup! she hasn't even taken off her shoes yet..) i put her on the toilet and off she goes doing her business. not to forget, she asked me to close the door and said "bye.. bye..". such a cutie!

i'm sorry if i ended up taking your picture and post it in my blog. but really, mama is really proud of you, baby girl!

next step, toilet train her for pee-pee. i think she's ready.

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>> posted on 11/20/2009 02:08:00 PM | [ 3 bites in my cookie ]












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