movie's 411

>> HIDALGO (2004)

Starring: Viggo Mortensen, Omar Sharif, and more ...
Director: Joe Johnston
Genre: Action & Adventure

I Liked It!!!

Hidalgo (2004) a fun action adventure disney flick complete with rousing score, picturesque shots and corny dialogue ("even a blind man could see that you're beautiful") that nonetheless manages to entertain by the way of several exciting action pieces, a brisk pace, a good relationship between a man and his horse and the undeniable charisma and presence that comes in the form of its lead actor: viggo mortensen *my man! yum.. *. i've been a fan of mortensen for some time now which i'm sure you all know by now.. heheh.. and i only hope that this film gives him a little more of the notoriety and respect that he deserves. this movie isn't going to blow anyone away with its story or characterization, but it's a jolly ol' time at the theater and despite running about two hours, manages to keep you interested and on the side of hidalgo throughout. unlike "seabiscuit", which was also based on a "true story" (note to studios: stop bullshitting the public and jotting that down under every movie title-especially if you're gonna change half the crap that really happened anyway!), this film gears itself more towards the fantastic adventure, with plenty of physical obstacles, standing in the way of our hero and his loving mustang.

it also tosses a few "subtle" undertones in there, one of which features viggo's "mixed blood" background and that similar connection to his horse (this was mildly successful), and the general idea of the "american way" vs the ways of the middle east, where they seem to praise and rely more on the "will of Allah" as opposed to the Americanized notion of the "will of one self", which i think it's a bit of lack of understanding about the religion in the first place. at the end of the day, this is a chase movie focusing on an underdog and his under-horse, both of whom are past their prime, but both of whom, still have a lot of grit, dedication and persistence left in their souls (not to mention, great manes!) it's also to note that the film overdoes its subtitles somewhat, with many of the indians' dialogue subtitled, as well as plenty of the arabic stuff, both of which got a little tiresome, especially since the film isn't exactly a force of narrative. but if you like horses (i don't.. and i'm actually allergic to one, yet i still enjoyed the movie), appreciate the rugged good looks and talent of viggo mortensen *but of course!* and don't mind a little disney syrup poured all over a tale of the underdog, "hidalgo" may be just what you're looking for this time of year. the only thing i feel very lacking is the editing. with such good scenery and photography, many of the edited screens don't go smoothly that sometimes i feel many screens is not that important to be included in the movie.. but then again, who could resist it as long as viggo is in it. heheheh..

just remember.. when you go watch this movie.. forget the fact that viggo mortensen played aragorn in the "lord of the rings" trilogy. forget the fact that there are disputes about the historical accuracy both of the screenplay as well as the actual life of frank t. hopkins. instead, judge this film on its merit as a film and you will be pleased with the results. viggo plays frank t. hopkins, a famed competitor in long - distance horse "endurance" races with his mustang, hidalgo. when he and hidalgo are challenged to compete in an epic race in the middle east, they reluctantly accept and find themselves in an exciting adventure that only begins as the race. throughout the journey hidalgo and hopkins face arab bandits, the desert elements, and both political and economic power struggles. of course, the main question is not, "can they win?" is, "can they survive?" mortensen is perfectly cast as a soft - spoken loner cowboy whose drawl is equal parts mumble and actual speech. the scenery and music are epic in scale, a requirement for such a film. in general, this is epic family fare...although a bit harsh for the younger members of the family (there is at least one obvious beheading and a hodge - podge of violence). of course, the political correctness police will be out in full force on this one as there is a lot to cricitize: animal rights, native american and middle eastern sterotyping, history revision, political motivations of genetic control of equine bloodlines, etc. don't let any of this sway you...this film is politically neutral and the story is a warm and positive. a bit sugar - coated? perhaps. hollywood needs to return to more films like this, however. it's really those films that *pretend* that they are "realistic" that we should balk at. hidalgo never takes itself too seriously, and it is precisely this escape that makes it such a gem for the film going public!

>> rated by :: sLesTa | [ ]

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