movie's 411

{may 3, 2003}


Starring: Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Janssen, and more...
Director: Bryan Singer
Sci-Fi & Fantasy

X2: X-Men United so yeah.. after a while without doing any reviews *again, sorry!!* i come back with a movie that just opened worldwide yesterday. watching a movie on its premiere night is kinda a bitch actually, but guess what.. this movie is so worth the wait .. totally awesome!! just within 5 minutes of the movies we already got so much action from the new introduced character the night crawler. man, that guy has such a cool gift!!! since i don't wanna ruin the story for everyone, this movie is definitely better than the first one. all the characters on the first movie have been developed and their action are way cool to watch. wolverine is such a cool character (oh and the fact that hugh jackman plays the part also helps a lot! *wink*), storm shows more of her 'stuff' here, jean grey looks tougher than ever, and there are so much more new talents shown like pyro who can manipulate and control fire, bobby -- the "inside-the-closet" mutant -- who will become the "ice man", and of course, kurt wagner also known as the night crawler whose ability is to transport from places with a blink of an eye... and so much more that names are not even mentioned in the movie, but if you're x-men's comic fanatic, i guess you probably know the names.

the story line is also a good one. following the first movie, magneto (sir ian mckellen) was already inside the "plastic" prison, but it turns out that he was being controlled by william stryker whose agenda is to kill all mutants in the world. the only way to find all the mutants everywhere is to use prof. charles xavier's (patrick stewart) ability with his cerebro. and to get to this cerebro, stryker used his control over magneto to give up the information and finally caught prof. xavier as his hostage to do his evil agenda. in the meantime, mystique (rebecca romijn-stamos) -- with her much more cooler way of showing off her talent on this movie -- finds out stryker's evil agenda and tried to get magneto out of the prison. and let me tell you.. that scene when magneto tried to get out of the 'plastic' prison is probably one of the highlights (oh well maybe after all wolverine's action scenes.. ) .. when magneto was out of the prison, he tried to join forces with the others to help prof. xavier out of stryker's control until they find out that magneto also has his own agenda to create this 'war' against men and mutants.

i think the story line was very good because everything was somewhat twisted here. magneto - who was the bad guy in the first movie - joined forces with the good guys and tried to cancel the real bad guy's agenda, william stryker. stryker is a human, but his son is a mutant. he can't accept that his son was a mutant and tried to control him and eventually to control all mutants out there.. and that was his goal in life. on the other hand, prof. xavier was always the good guy, but he was under mind-controlled by jason stryker (william stryker's son who was neither dead or alive after going throug his father's brutal experiment to control him as a mutant) and hypnotized to kill all the mutants since he's the only one who knows how to find them. so all the x-men unites to help prof. xavier from stryker and to stop stryker from doing anything that might start the war between men and mutants. during the rescue, wolverine found out about his past and his relationships to stryker. also he finds his equal mutant, lady deathstrike (kelly hu) who has the same ability as him. and the fight between the two was also another highlight.

all and all, i think this movie is way way much better than its predecessor and i really really love it.. hence, the five stars i gave. love the graphics, love the action choreography and of course love all the characters. oh and there is one thing i'm keeping from you.. one of them will die.. well, at least that's how they show it at the end of the movie.. i just hope that the character will come back on the next sequel..

happy watching.. and lemme know what you think!! *wink wink*


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