movie's 411


Starring: Jeff Bridges, Tobey Maguire, Chris Cooper, and more...
Director: Gary Ross
Genre: Drama

I Really Liked It!

Seabiscuit (2003) sebenernya waktu gue ngeliat trailer film ini beberapa bulan yang lalu, gue kurang tertarik untuk nonton, walopun yang maen lumayan banyak aktor kawakan. ada jeff bridges, chris cooper, dan tobey maguire. tapi pas gue baca sinopsis nya ini ceritanya ttg horse race gitu.. ah, sepertinya gak menarik. apalagi gue juga emang pada dasarnya kurang suka ngeliat horse race, or to be more precise, never experienced seeing one anyways. so, waktu filmnya premiere in US about 3 weeks ago, gue sama sekali tidak punya pikiran buat nonton film ini, my thought was.. "it's just one of those DVD movies", until... i saw the reviews. all the critics mentioned how good this movie is, how the story is very motivating, and all the people i know who have watched it, said the same thing!! they were even talking about "oscar's quality". wah, gue jadi penasaran kan.. abisan apa sih yang bikin menarik dari cerita ttg pacuan kuda??

ternyata sodara sodari... film ini dibuat berdasarkan kisah nyata ttg kuda bernama "seabiscuit". and apparently, he was one of the most famous horse in the US in the 30s. and his story was fascinating that it transformed to the quality of the movie. it is one of the motivating story *especially in the close-to-depression times like now* about a longshot who became a legend. and it all happened before the world war II, during the time of the "Great Depression". no wonder i never heard about the story, it happened quite a long time ago, didn't it?

gara² film ini, akhirnya cerita² dokumentari ttg seabiscuit banyak bertayangan di televisi. and i caught one of them, the whole true documentary story about how a small horse with a blinded jockey would become a legend. i was very interested of the story i saw on TV that i decided that i have to watch the movie. and i did... and i was very much impressed. it was indeed one of the most motivating story i've heard and seen.. cuman sayang nya pas gue nonton filmnya, gue kan udah tau the whole story about seabiscuit dari documentary on tv .. jadinya pas nonton gue udah tau semua kejadiannya bakal gimana. so there were no suprises for me... although i find it that the movie was indeed, very very good.

the story goes back during the Great Depression, a former bicycle repairment, charles howard (jeff bridges), owned a small, knobbly-kneed horse called seabiscuit howard teamed up with half-blind ex-prize fighter red pollard (tobey maguire), who became the horse's jockey, and former "mustang breaker" tom smith (chris cooper), who became the horse's trainer. all of the three guys were connected because of their backgrounds. red was abandoned by his family during the great depression, tom was always a loner and can only communicate with horses, and howard's wife has left him after their son died in a car accident. and seabiscuit was hurting since she lost her baby to be taken away to be trained as horseracer and most trainees don't think of seabiscuit as worth a shot. all of them found connections right away and they fulfill each other to be a better one.

as any drama, this movie has such a great dramatic story, it's even better knowing that this was based on a true story and told as how it was. and believe me, the documentary i saw was just exactly alike except that it doesn't show what they said exactly during the occassions word per word. i'm pretty sure the movie also just made all the wording out but i guess that's what one of the best treats from hollywood movies.... their way to create a good script to make a good movie.

one good quote from the movie:

"you just don't throw life away just because it is banged a little..."

>> rated by : : sLesTa | [ ]

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