movie's 411

{april 10, 2003}


Starring: Kieran Culkin, Ryan Philippe, Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, and more...
Director: Burr Steers

Igby Goes Downigby (kieran culkin) lahir di keluarga yang dysfunctional. walopun keluarganya berada, bapaknya (bill pullman) terganggu mentalnya *gak jelas kalo dia schizo apa enggak* dan ibunya (susan sarandon) selalu mendahului image di atas kebahagiaan anak²nya. sementara dia selalu dibanding²kan dengan kakak (ryan philippe) satu²nya, ollie, yang terlihat selalu sukses dalam hidupnya. graduated on top of his class and got in to a good university. sementara igby kerap pindah dari satu sekolah ke sekolah laennya. her mom fed up about him. and igby always feel as if he doesn't belong. the only thing he remembers was how he misses his dad who is sitting in a mental hospital and so out-of-touch with reality.

akhirnya igby kabur ke new york city dan numpang tinggal di loft nya rachel (amanda peet) who was his godfather's (jeff goldblum) mistress. on this journey, he met again with sookie (claire danes), a girl he saw in one of his godfather's beach party before the summer. the two of them fit in and igby realizes that he's not alone being an outsider in the family. in the meantime, his mom and brother were looking for him cuz his mom found out that she is dying.

the movie started with a scene that looks as if the two brothers were trying to kill their mom. but instead, it was only an assisted suicide on their dying mom. igby hates his mom so much, but unexpectedly, he feels so lost when he realizes that his mom was gone and cried on top of her dead body. this movie is a comedy, filled with talented actos. igby's character was played perfectly by kieran culkin and he did a very good job in taking out the character. the script was smartly written and it just amazed me how people can use such words in all entire movie. one line i love the most was when sookie and ollie shared a cab. ollie asked sookie about her mom ...

ollie: "so is your mom divorced?"
sookie: "she's never married."
ollie: "why, is she a lesbian?"
sookie: "no, she's just a failed heterosexual."

i really really like this movie and all the characters are smartly created and it just flows during the entire movie. a good choice to watch and a different type of comedy movie.

[image is taken from netflix]

note to readers:
sori kalo gue udah lama gak update. there are many comments that many of the movies i review are not available, especially those who live in indonesia. well, soalnya emang akhir² ini gue lagi jarang nonton movies di theater or any typical hollywood movie. lagi seneng nonton indie movie and i found that many of them are a good one, although not necessarily well-known. so maybe, after reading the review.. you'd be interested to see them cuz a good movie is a good movie despite of the box office says. thanks for tuning in. btw clink link the classics di atas kalo mau nyari archive on the past review.

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