movie's 411


Starring: Cillian Murphy, Brendan Gleeson, Noah Huntley, Naomie Harris, Megan Burns
Director: Danny Boyle
Genre: Horror

Really Liked It!

28 Days Later dari minggu lalu, gue udah pengen banget update movies411 dengan film² baru. apalagi gue sempet nonton beberapa film bagus weekend kemaren, seperti frida, gotti, dll. tapi gue pikir, "ah udah ada yang pernah review" *lirik ella*. eh ternyata bener aja, gue kemaren sengaja gak update karena emang pengen nonton what i called "the best horror movie of the year" hehhe.. rada exaggerated? mungkin, tapi gue bener² seneng banget ama film ini. so here's the review...

film ini buatan inggris, dengan latar belakang kota london. film horror, jadinya rada serem dong.. ada zombie² gitu.. dan gue gak suka nonton pelem zombie. tapi this one's different. this is something that you can relate to reality and reflect the fragility of modern civilization. it all connects to what's been going on in the world today. the war, the riots, the chaos.. now imagine, if there was a mass biological weapon in this earth today, and swipes away all the humanity and civilization in the world.. what happen to the survivor? is "staying alive is as good as it gets"? ok ok, i'm going ahed of myself... cuz this will be a questiono that will be asked in the movie..

when it is not scaring you silly, this film invites you to reflect seriously on the fragility of modern civilization, which has been swept away, while the hero lies peacefully in a coma, by a gruesome and highly contagious virus. four weeks (or 28 days later) after a laboratory full of rage-infected monkeys has been liberated by some tragically misguided animal-rights activists, the whole of london — and possibly every place else — has been substantially depopulated, leaving the few healthy survivors to contend with red-eyed, ravenous infecteds. the monkeys was part of research that when infected by rage, it will become disturbingly tried to destroy anything around them. the virus is contagious and it'd only take 15-20 seconds for the infecteds to become one. in the beginning of the movie, it shows how these monkeys were calmed by the lines of televisons that show the riots, the wars, the chaos.

jim woke up naked and found himself locked inside a room in a hospital. he walked out and noone was around. the london was empty and he saw the newspaper that reports "EVACUATION" for all people in london, for the unknown reason then. he then met mark and selena who saved him from the attack of the infecteds. when jim goes back to find his parents dead in their house, they were attacked again, and mark was bitten (which means he will become one of the zombie). in a heartbeat, selena killed him without hesitation. so now there were only the two of them. as they walked back to london, they saw a building with lights on, so they thought that there must be other survivors. it was frank and his daughter hannah. the four of them then planned a trip to manchester, after hearing the radio message that the army is there waiting for the survivors and they have found the cure. so they went, packed in a small cab frank drives. but unfortunately, it was not as they expected. the message was just a coy because the soldiers who survive are thinking that they are the superiors who will have to start over the civilization. and to do that, they need to have women who can bear children. and their eyes fall on selena and the little hannah. jim tried to save them but he was ordered to be killed. so what happen to the rest of them? will they survive? will they die? will someone help them? you just gotta see the movie..

the movie is suitably graphic and terrifying, but it also has some surprising pastoral moments, as the main characters flee london for the countryside. anthony dod mantle's digital cinematography has an exquisite, painterly beauty that makes the picture not just scary, which it surely is, but genuinely haunting. in contemplating the extinction of the human race, danny boyle, director of such cynical, style-charged movies as "trainspotting" and "shallow grave," seems to have discovered his inner humanist.

i love the way a lot of the scenes were shot. an empty london. i read it from some newspaper that they use 8mm camera to shoot these scenes and in order to get the empty city shot, they had to do it so early in the morning and they lined up girls in city border to stop all the workers who are coming to the city and distract them until the shots were completed. it only took them several minutes but the scene was haunting.

i never really fond of horror movie before, but this one was different. it was so much close to reality. questions ask, "what will we do if that really happen?" it's like the wake up call about what's going on when the mass weapon really is a weapon that some crazy guy used to own the world.. yeah.. what world would that be after that? one scene of the movie i love was when jim, selena and hannah found the army and they had dinner together. they discussed what's going on and they said.. "look at us now.. we're killing people.. what a horrible thing.. " and the sergeant answers... "humans always kill other humans.. not just for the past 28 days.. but 4 weeks before that, and before that.. people are always killing people" hmmmm.. ironic, eh?

movie quote: "it hasn't been raining for 10 days. i can't believe how we are so dependent to rain.. cuz we always think that it's always there, but it hasn't been raining. and that's not right.... not in fucking england"

>> rated by : : sLesTa | [ ]

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